Saturday, September 21, 2019

Well, Why Didn’t Tom Just Call the Cops?

“Downton Abbey” probably isn’t a great movie. There are some plot holes. I can’t help but wonder why Tom ended up rescuing the king when he could have just gone to the cops earlier? The running-parade scene seemed strange and turned ridiculous.

Whatever. The dowager was in rare form, Mary was the ice queen as usual, and the servants were at war with other servants. There was pointless intrigue and plots.

And a gay dance in Yorkshire.

While it may not have been a great film, I was totally engrossed. It was lush and silly and satisfying. It started with train wheels, and moved on to gorgeous old cars. For a while, it was the late 1920s, a king had not abdicated after running off with an American, a fascist had not risen yet in Germany and the stock market has not yet crashed.

It might have been interesting to move the characters ahead say a dozen years and have them cope with the onset of another great war, but then again, the children would be teens then, and a whole new cast of characters would have to be introduced.

Well, if you were fan of the TV show, you’ve been summoned. Seeing the grand house on the big screen is totally worth it. Although you may wonder a bit about Tom, who always seems to get stuck in the oddest of the plot twists. They had to manufacture another relative out of nothing, just for him.

Still, my wife and I enjoyed two hours of total escape this Saturday and that's something. Silly British posh soap opera, I have missed you.

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